How to Upload to with Fetch
To be able to upload files from your computer to the Web server, you will need a software program capable of "file transfer protocol" (FTP). There are many such programs, known as "FTP clients." All of the computers in the Cabrillo computer lab (the CTC), as well as the computers in the Digital Media classrooms, have FTP clients installed; the Macs use an FTP client called Fetch, and the Windows machines use an FTP client called CoreFTP Lite.
These instructions assume you are using a Macintosh computer that is running Fetch. If you are using Windows, follow the CoreFTP Lite instructions instead. If you are at home, make sure you have an active Internet connection.
If you do not have an FTP client on your home computer, you can download one from the Internet and install it on your computer. Fetch is available for purchase, but is free for educational use. Normally, after you download and install Fetch, it will expire after a certain number of days if you do not pay for it and get a serial number. But in the meantime you can get an educational serial number form your instructor, which will stop Fetch from expiring. (To get the serial number, send a request via email to your instructor.) Below is a link to the site where you can download Fetch. After you install it on your computer, you can upload files from home.
To download Fetch, go to:
1) Launch Fetch.
2) Enter the following settings into the "New Connection..." dialog box that appears after you launch Fetch. (If a "New Connection..." dialog box does not appear in Fetch, go to the "File" menu and choose "New Connection...")
3) In the "Hostname" field, enter "" (if it is not already there).
4) In the "Username" field, enter your Webhawks user name.
If you do not know your Webhawks user name for the class, here is how to determine your user name:
Your Webhawks user name is made up of your course number and your student ID number. First it starts with the Cabrillo course number, all capitals, with a hyphen (for example, “DM-60”, or “DM-61”). Next it contains your student ID number. Your Webhawks user name contains no spaces, and is case sensitive (all letters must be uppercase). For example, the Webhawks user name for a student in the DM60 class who has a student ID number of 1234567 would be “DM-601234567” (without the quotes).
5) In the "Connect using" drop-down menu, choose "SFTP". The Webhawks Web server uses a secure protocol, and will not successfully connect unless the "SFTP" box is indicated.
6) In the "Password" field, enter your Webhawks password. Your Webhawks password is initially set to be your student ID number.
7) Click "OK" to log in to the Web server.
8) You should now see a folder called "public_html". Double-click on your "public_html" folder to see its contents (if you have never uploaded any files into it, it will be empty.)
9) Now that you have the proper remote directory (your "public_html" folder on the server) selected to receive files, you are ready to upload files.
You can upload files from your disk to the Web server in one of two ways. First, you can go to the "remote" menu, choose "Put ...", navigate through your hard disk's file system to select the file you wish to upload, and click the "Put" button. Inexperienced computer users usually find this method a bit confusing, so I recommend the "drag and drop" method: Simply drag the icon of the file you wish to upload into the Fetch window (which shows the contents of your "public_html" directory).
10) After a few moments you'll see your file appear in the Fetch window.
11) You have succesfully uploaded your file! You can now continue to upload more files if you wish.
12) When you are ready to view your page in your Web browser, launch your
browser (Firefox or Safari, for example) and go to the following URL:
to view your home page.